A Multiplayer First Person Shooter, in pitch black darkness where every action the player performs lights his character up revealing him to all of his opponents.
Shooting requires energy, energy is generated through movement : players have to constantly finding ways to light them up the most stategic and descrete ways in order to shoot their opponents without being detected.
Beside shooting, players can use the Cloak ability to move during a certain time without generating light.
It costs half of the energy bar, and no energy is generated through movement when Cloak is activated, but it’s useful to reach stategic part of the map.
What i did on this project
Glow was made during my last year of studing at ICAN (Paris). I initiated the project and make the original game design, then I worked on level and sound design. I made reserach that lead to the low poly based aesthetics of the game.
The game was made in collaboration with :
- Thomas Bonin
- Taiki Hagiwara
- Cyril Vial
- Mehdi Labidi