Pix the Cat is an intense arcade game that will challenge your reflexes and your wits, pitting you against your friends and the world in a race to the highest score!
Pix the Cat offers 4 game modes that mix and match delights from good ol’ games as Pac-Man, Snake and Bomberman!
You can find more informations about the game on Pastagame fantasic website :
What i did on this project
I worked at Pastagames as an intern for three mounth in 2013. During this period, I mainly worked on following subjects :
- Production of over 80 level, divided in groups with unique thematic and problem to solve.
- Reflection about the tutorial of the Puzzle Mode.
- Thinking about new game mechanics in order to integrate them in the game.
You can watch a video of some levels I made here :
Locksmith levels are characterized by a unique theme: player must place all the cats a certain way to complete the level in one move. A little bit like a key needs to fit the lock to open it in one movement.